You deserve to live your best life.


Focusing on You



Emotional pain and mental distress are substantially diminished using Emotional Freedom Techniques. 85% of Vets who have participated in the Veterans Stress Project resolved most of their PTSD symptoms(insomnia, anger, grief, hyper-vigilance) in six 1 hour sessions. 3 and 6 month follow ups confirm benefits are lasting.


Multiple independent studies show pain diminishes an average of 68% with EFT.

Burnt out/Stressed out at work or home

The Pandemic has taken its toll on many of us. A lot of loss, changes, the unknown and isolation. EFT decreases your stress hormones and balances your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Bringing you back to a “neutral emotional state”


Over 100 clinical trials have shown that EFT is effective for anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, addictions and cravings and many physical diagnoses. EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.

Addictions and Cravings

EFT has proven itself in studies to be a valuable tool in dealing with both Addictions and Cravings by dealing with psychological symptoms.

Limiting Beliefs

EFT is effective in conquering limiting beliefs such as “I’m too old” ,” I’m not loveable”, I’m not enough”,” I’m not worthy”, “ I’m too fat” , “Everyone in my family has….”,” Money doesn’t grow on trees” just to name a few. Everybody has limiting beliefs running their subconscious mind . Let’s see what is holding you back from your best life.

Let me help you Improve your quality of life.

Try EFT see if it’s right for you.